Monday, July 03, 2006

It's Summer In Alaska

The men have been out fishing the rivers and streams. My husband and son had great luck on their fishing trip to the Russian River.

During this trip they had an interesting experience. Of course they had to be on the first morning ferry to cross the Russian River. This means they got up at 4:30 in the morning to be at the ferry crossing by 5:30. The first ferry took them across at precisely 6:00 am sharp.

Due to heavy bear activity in the area, the Russina River Ferry station has taken to using a loud horn as a warning system. When there is a bear sighting, Fish & Game alerts the ferry operators to sound the alarm.

Of course they took proper precautions and made sure to bring the .44 across the river with them, one can never be too safe when there are hungry bears in the area. When my husband heard the bear alarm go off he placed his hand on the holster and started scanning the area. Looked to the left, no bear. Looked to the right, no bear. Started getting a little nervous, looked all around, still no bear.

Next thing they knew, here comes the bear, a big old grizzly... just bobbing along down the river. That big old bear was taking a 'joy ride' right down the center of the river, just bobbing along. The only thing visible were his big fat head and shoulders. That bear went on his merry way bouncing down the river, minding his own business.

The fisherman on the river could not believe what they were seeing. This may very well be the one and only time they will see such a sight.

Ahhh, summer in Alaska... you never know what will happen next.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Peas! It's Desert Mama. I see you are on the SWEET_Tater sight. Haven't seen you at Banned Camp; did you decided not to play there? how are you? You have my email, don't you? Nice blog.